{{-- To attain knowledge, add things every day; To attain wisdom, subtract things every day --}}
{{ $counts }}
@if (session()->get('LoggedClient') != null) @foreach ($notifications as $item) @if ($item->title == "Sent Invoice")

Confirm Invoice of ${{ $item->value }} created on {{ $item->order_no }} . 2m

@endif @endforeach @elseif(auth()->user() != null) @foreach ($notifications as $item) @if ($item->title == "Sent Invoice")

Invoice of ${{ $item->value }} was {{ $item->status }} {{ $item->order_no }} . {{ $item->created_at->diffForHumans() }}

@elseif($item->title == "Access Client")

Writer {{ $this->getWriter( $item->fromable_id ) }} with {{ $item->order_no }} asking permission to chat with the client Give Access . {{ $item->created_at->diffForHumans() }}

@endif @endforeach @foreach ($generalNotifications as $item) @if ($item->title == 'Bid Created')

You have new bid for {{ $item->description }} Mark As Read . {{ $item->created_at->diffForHumans() }}

@endif @if ($item->title == 'Order Created')

You have new {{ $item->description }} Go To Order . {{ $item->created_at->diffForHumans() }}

@endif @if ($item->title == 'Invoice Confirmed')

Invoice for {{ $item->description }} was accepted Mark As Read . {{ $item->created_at->diffForHumans() }}

@endif @if ($item->title == 'Invoice Rejected')

Invoice for {{ $item->description }} was rejected Mark As Read . {{ $item->created_at->diffForHumans() }}

@endif @endforeach @elseif(session()->get('AuthWriter') != null) @foreach ($notifications as $item) @if ($item->title == "Access Granted")

Access Granted. You can now chat with client of {{ $item->order_no }} Mark As Read . {{ $item->created_at->diffForHumans() }}

@elseif($item->title == "Access Denied")

Your request to chat with client of {{ $item->order_no }} has been denied. Mark As Read . {{ $item->created_at->diffForHumans() }}

@elseif($item->title == "Order Award")

Your have been awarded {{ $item->order_no }} with a bid of {{ $item->value }} per page. Mark As Read . {{ $item->created_at->diffForHumans() }}

@endif @endforeach @endif
See all notifications