@livewire('client.components.toolbar', [$confirm_invoice])
@if (session()->get('LoggedClient') != null)
@if (session()->has('success'))
{{ session('success-modal') }}
{{-- Anyone with a link can now view this file --}}
@if (session()->has('error'))
{{ session('error-modal') }}
{{-- Anyone with a link can now view this file --}}
@if ($activity != '' )
Confirm Invoice of ${{ $activity->value }} per page for this task
@elseif(auth()->user() != null)
@if ($InvoiceAccepted)
@if ($InvoiceRejected)
Your was invoice rejected.
@livewire('client.components.order-sum-with-chatbox', [$orderDetails, $revisions, $clientFiles,
$confirm_invoice, $total_fee, $user_type, $orderId ])
{{-- @livewire('client.components.order-submision', [$orderDetails, $revisions, $clientFiles, $orderStatus,
$companyFiles, $writerFiles]) --}}
@if (!$orderStatus)
@if (count($companyFiles) > 0)
@foreach ($companyFiles as $companyFile)
@if (session()->has('message'))
{{ session('message') }}
@foreach ($writerFiles as $writerFile)
@if (session()->has('message'))
{{ session('message') }}
*** Yet to be uploaded ***
@if (count($companyFiles) > 0 || count($writerFiles)> 0)
@if ($this->orderCurrentStatus($orderDetails->id) == "Client")
Accepting Order From Writer
Before accepting the order, preview the work and
assertain that everything is okay.
@if ($acceptBtn)
@if ($accept_section)
Leave a comment (Optional)
Rejecting Order
Before rejecting the order, preview the work and
assertain that instructions you gave were not followed.
@if ($rejectBtn)
@if ($reject_section)
Files (Optional)
{{ $this->checkIfOrderPassedStage($orderDetails->id,
@if (!$orderStatus)
@foreach ($companyFiles as $companyFile)
@if (session()->has('message'))
{{ session('message') }}
@if (session()->has('success'))
{{ session('success') }}
Add Files
@foreach ($writerFiles as $writerFile)
@if (session()->has('message'))
{{ session('message') }}
) === auth()->user()->role || $orderNextLevel)
***No Files Found***
@if ($showOperationSection)
Accepting Order From
Before accepting the order, preview the work and
assertain that everything is okay.
@if ($acceptBtn)
@if ($accept_section)
Leave a comment (Optional)
Rejecting Order
Before rejecting the order, preview the work and
assertain that instructions you gave were not followed.
@if ($rejectBtn)
@if ($reject_section)
Files (Optional)
{{ $this->checkIfOrderPassedStage($orderDetails->id,
auth()->user()->role) }}