{{-- Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. --}} @guest @if (!$orderStatus)
Get Your Order Here

@if (count($companyFiles) > 0) @foreach ($companyFiles as $companyFile) @endforeach @elseif(count($writerFiles)>0) @foreach ($writerFiles as $writerFile) @endforeach @else

*** Yet to be uploaded ***

@if (count($companyFiles) > 0 || count($writerFiles)> 0)
@if ($this->checkIfOrderPassedStage($orderDetails->id, 'Client') === "Client")

Accepting Order From Writer

Before accepting the order, preview the work and assertain that everything is okay.

@if ($acceptBtn)
@endif @if ($accept_section)

Leave a comment (Optional)


Rejecting Order

Before rejecting the order, preview the work and assertain that instructions you gave were not followed.

@if ($rejectBtn)
@endif @if ($reject_section)

Add Files (Optional)

@else @endif
@endif @endguest @auth @if (!$orderStatus)
Order Submision

@foreach ($companyFiles as $companyFile)
@if (session()->has('message'))
{{ session('message') }}
@if (session()->has('success'))
{{ session('success') }}

Add Files

Attached Files

@foreach ($writerFiles as $writerFile)
@if (session()->has('message'))
{{ session('message') }}
@if(($this->orderCurrentStatus($writerFile->order_id) ) === auth()->user()->role || $orderNextLevel) @else

***No Files Found***

@if ($showOperationSection)

Accepting Order From Writer

Before accepting the order, preview the work and assertain that everything is okay.

@if ($acceptBtn)
@endif @if ($accept_section)

Leave a comment (Optional)


Rejecting Order

Before rejecting the order, preview the work and assertain that instructions you gave were not followed.

@if ($rejectBtn)
@endif @if ($reject_section)

Add Files (Optional)

@else @endif
@endif @endauth